Wednesday, February 20, 2008

just being true to my procrastinating nature....

Well, it's about 3:30 in the morning on the day of my departure to Washington D.C. and I just finished packing. Crazy. Luckily Sarah and Jamie were there to help me sit on things. :)

I am really going to make an effort to keep up with this blog. Hopefully I will have a chance, once we arrive in Zambia this weekend, to write a post about how orientation and all the traveling went.

Thanks to everyone who came to my going away party! I think a great time was had by all, and it was so good to see everyone before leaving for 27 months. I really do have feel so lucky to have the best family and friends in the world. :)

I need to be at the airport in a couple thing I don't mind leaving behind is the cold Minnesota's supposed to be 79 degrees in Lusaka when we arrive! My body might just go into shock....

I love you all! Take care, and be sure to go over to my house and argue with my parents so they don't miss me as much! :)


1 comment:

Brenna said...

Hey Katie, I was at a Career Fair at St. Olaf and the Peace Corps booth was handing out an Alumni contact sheet which included your name, placement and blog address. You are so famous!