Friday, May 2, 2008

malaria sucks

Yup, I'm still here in Kasama. Sunday morning I woke up with some mad stomach issues, and by Sunday night I was pretty much down for the count. I'll spare the gruesome details, but basically I felt like hell for a good couple days. Lots of fetile position on the bathroom floor....and thank god I had a bathroom at all to spend time in and not a pit latrine. The Peace Corps medical office thinks I had malaria but doesn't know for sure. All of my symptoms pointed to the big M. Luckily there were people at the provincial house here in Kasama to take care of me and I could sleep in a comfy bed. :) I wasn't able to go shopping with all the others for move-in because I was so sick, and they also didn't want to post me when my body was still recovering, so I should be posted tomorrow (saturday)! I am kind of going stir crazy at the house. Plus the tv isn't working so I've been doing lots of reading and sleeping. I was finally able to eat some normal food yesterday, but the malaria has made me pretty anemic so I'm get tired easily. Turns out Malaria is not fun and I hope to never get it again. However, Peace Corps did give me some miracle medication that helped me feel better a lot faster than I normally would have. Oh, and thank you all so much for all your messages of concern. Looks like I'm gonna be ok!

So I should be able to post on this blog again in a few weeks, as I have to come back to Kasama on May 21st to renew my visa. Then I'll be back up here again in June for Provincials, when all PCVs in Northern meet up to discuss....stuff? Not sure, I guess I'll find out!

So I officially move in to my hut tomorrow and after having stayed at the house for so long I am SO ready. It'll be crazy! I miss you all and remember to fight malaria in Africa! :)


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